Violence: is it just the alcohol?


In Australia, the Premier of NSW Barry O’Farrell today announced tough new laws to combat alcohol-fuelled violence, on the back of some dreadful assault cases linked to alcohol abuse.

As part of a wide-ranging series on alcohol and the drinking culture last year, the online magazine “The Conversation” writes:

“Over the last decade or so, data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics have shown almost no change in the amount of alcohol consumed per person in Australia… In contrast, rates of alcohol-related harm are increasing.”

Why are rates of alcohol-related harm increasing whilst Australians are drinking the same amount? There are undoubtedly many reasons including societal and cultural factors, as explored in the series of articles. I also want you to consider a potential underlying causal factor of violent assault: food intolerance.

Amines, salicylates, and other food chemicals are known to affect mood in some people, including aggressive reactions. Many people have noted that the number of people suffering food intolerances has increased sharply over recent decades, which can be tied to the introduction of changed food practices. One man recently made the link to Australia’s current ‘alcohol fuelled violence’ discussion in a story for the Food Intolerance Network. He writes:

“Could it be that ingredients other than alcohol in beer, wine, spirits and mixed drinks could be at least partly responsible for the so-called ‘brain snaps’ which have led to recent violent and tragic incidents?

While I was contemplating this, I was drinking a 100% natural, preservative-free beer … I do this because I’ve had some terrible experiences with some mainstream beer and mixed drink brands. I have had what some might term brain snaps, not leading to any violent behaviour on my part, but certainly reckless in terms of self-harm. I’ve also had massive headaches and allergic reactions from these drinks and, when I’ve told other people about this, some have described exactly the same symptoms.”

Another man links consumption of red colouring to his violent outburst, and there are many, many other stories of how the FAILSAFE diet (free from additives, low in salicylates, amines and flavour enhancers) has helped people suffering with aggression, depression and anger.

Food intolerance is not an issue for everyone. But it certainly affects some people.

The Food and Mood book discusses the links between food chemicals and mood. It includes links to many scientific studies in this area, treatment options, and introduces the best elimination diet to help you find out if food intolerance could be an issue for you, or someone in your family.



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